Whole Foods Retail Store Locations

Organizations Retail Market Research

All ~500 Whole Foods retail store locations, including in-store coffee shops and restaurants.

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name homepageUri location_address location_city_name location_region_name location_country_name location_postalCode
Whole Foods Market wholefoodsmarket.com/stores... 650 Ponce De Leon Ave NE Ne... Atlanta Georgia United States of America 30308
Steep Brew wholefoodsmarket.com/stores... 450 Rhode Island St at 17th... San Francisco California United States of America 94107
Whole Foods Market 365 wholefoodsmarket.com/stores... 2520 Glendale Boulevard, Lo... Los Angeles California United States of America 90039
Whole Foods Market wholefoodsmarket.com/stores... 4501 Market Commons Dr, Fai... Fairfax Virginia United States of America 22033
Whole Foods Market Californ... wholefoodsmarket.com/stores... 3000 Telegraph Ave at Ashby... Berkeley California United States of America 94705-2014
Whole Foods Market - North ... wholefoodsmarket.com/stores... 8710 Six Forks Rd at Strick... Raleigh North Carolina United States of America 27615

Records sampled from original dataset

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type:LocalBusiness name:"Whole Foods Market" re:homepageUri:"wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/[a-z]+"
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