PhD Graduates Specializing in Negotiation Strategy

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980 individuals across the world with PhDs and specializing in negotiation strategy

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name summary skills_name employments_employer_name employments_title locations_city_name locations_country_name educations_institution_name educations_major_name
Barry Nalebuff Professor of management economics Honest Tea Chairman/Co-Founder Chicago United States of America Harvard University Economics
Jeff Weiss American businessman and ac... Lesley University President Boston United States of America Harvard Law School
Paul Wachter American investment advisor Main Street Advisors Founder & CEO Los Angeles United States of America Columbia Law School
Jack Nasher German lawyer and author teaching NASHER Negotiation Institute Founder Munich Germany Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Law
Larry Bridgesmith Legal scholar human resource management Nashville School of Law Adjunct Professor Nashville United States of America Villanova University SixSigma Green Belt
Samuel Bendahan Swiss economist mathematics Banque cantonale neuchâteloise Member of the Board Neuchâtel Switzerland Université de Lausanne Leadership, Organizational ...

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