Founders Previously VPs/Directors at FAANG Companies

Organizations People Recruitment Investment

~918 founders previously in leadership positions at Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, or Google.

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name summary skills_name employments_employer_name locations_city_name locations_country_name linkedInUri twitterUri
Chamath Palihapitiya Sri Lankan-born Canadian-Am... Golden State Warriors,Athos... Palo Alto,San Francisco United States of America,Sr...
Michael Abbott American venture capitalist supply chain management,dis... Ubiquity6,Apple Inc.,USC Vi... San Francisco,Hayward,Santa... United States of America,Un...
Matt Cohler American businessman DOMO, INC.,Edmodo,Tinder,1s... San Francisco,New York City United States of America,Un...
Mike Cassidy American businessman human resource management,m... Apollo Fusion,Alphabet Inc.... Palo Alto,San Francisco United States of America,Un...
Diane Greene American computer scientist Google,Cisco Systems,SAP,Ma... San Francisco,Rochester,Ann... United States of America,Un...
Brian McClendon American businessman software engineering,human ... Google,McClendon Ventures,K... Lawrence,San Francisco United States of America,Un...

Records sampled from original dataset

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type:Person employments.{"Google","Facebook","Uber","Apple") title:or("VP","Director")} employments.{isCurrent:true title:"Founder"}
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