Boeing Competitors

Competitive Intel Organizations Aerospace

Our AI-enabled 'lookalike' organizations for boeing chosen from among the 100M's of orgs in the Knowledge Graph

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name homepageUri ceo_name industries summary nbEmployeesMax stock_exchange revenue_value subsidiaries_name similarity_score
Airbus Motor Vehicle Manufacturers... European aircraft manufacturer 200000 SIX Swiss Exchange 62988161024.0 Airbus Transport Internatio... 0.9577315201374804
Lockheed Martin Corporation James Taiclet Motor Vehicle Manufacturers... Aerospace and defense manuf... 114000 NYSE 53761998848.0 Sikorsky Aircraft Corp,Zeta... 0.9527452417647103
Honeywell Darius Adamczyk Manufacturing Companies,Ele... Multinational conglomerate 200000 New York Stock Exchange 41801998336.0 Elster,THOMAS RUSSELL CO.,M... 0.9364682925871558
Pratt & Whitney GEORGE DAVID Manufacturing Companies,Eng... Aircraft engine manufacturer 20000 1281149824.0 0.9364161434491886
General Dynamics Phebe N Novakovic Motor Vehicle Manufacturers... Defense manufacturing congl... 100000 NYSE 30972999680.0 CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD,Gul... 0.9057147927844862

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